By popular demand, The Sugar Suite will be hosting its first retail cupcake
day for one day only on Saturday April 23rd at our shop in Maitland from
10:00AM - 3:00PM.
We will have four flavors available for sale:
Coconut - with almond cream cheese and shreded coconut
Lemon Poppy - with vanilla bean buttercream and raspberry filling
Strawberry Blonde - vanilla cake with strawberry buttercream
Carrot Cake - with cream cheese icing and caramelized carrots
All in our festive Spring decor!
The cupcakes are $3.00 Each and can be purchased individually.
For orders of 12 or more, please order in advance.
This is our first CUPCAKE DAY, and our first time selling retail our of our
location..... and the cupcakes will be on a first come first serve basis so
plese RSVP if you would like ensure you get your favorites!
To RSVP or to place an advance order email us at
**If you are a confirmed bride of The Sugar Suite and didn't receive our
email regarding this tasting, please email: